Educate The Church.
Empower The Chosen.
Equip The Called.
"Then the word of the LORD came to him, saying, “Get away from here and turn eastward, and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan. And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.” - 1Kgs 17:2-4
We are an Apostolic-Prophetic Hub here in London with a burning desire to see revival burst forth in every corner of the nation. We are intentional about preparing the ground for the next big harvest.
Our mandate is to Educate The Church, Empower The Chosen and Equip The Called.
If you are looking for a house where you can grow and be part of the revival culture, then welcome to The Brook Place.
Recent Services
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel, The Brook Place, to keep up to date with our latest services online.
Building Fund
The Brook Place is constantly growing and with the vision God has revealed for this house, acquiring our own building is now a big priority for us.
Our goal is to raise a minimum of $500k to get started. With the privilege of having our own building, we’d be able to do a lot more in regard to serving the church and expanding the great work that God has begun in this house.
If The Brook Place has been a blessing to you in any way or you simply just want to sow into God’s work, we’d ask that you kindly donate to our building fund below. Every amount is greatly appreciated.
To GIVE, please click the button below.