Covenant Partners Network

Become a Covenant Partner 

It is great to welcome you to the web page of The Brook Place Covenant Partners Network. We are delighted to welcome you to a life-changing opportunity to become one of our trusted covenant partners and join us in impacting the lives of millions of people around the world.

The Brook Place is on a robust mission to impact the lives of millions of people, starting from our local community in the UK to the uttermost parts of the world. Our plans include the feeding of the homeless, to the provision of aid and support to widows, orphans, and the disadvantaged in the community.

Furthermore, The Brook Place envisions the establishment of sustainable projects across rural communities in Africa, the Americas, and Asia, including the building of boreholes and wells, the establishment of orphanages, widows centres, and other beneficial community projects that will significantly enhance the lives of the community. 

At The Brook Place, the propagation of the Great Commission is at the heart of our missional strategy, and the preaching of the undiluted Gospel of Jesus Christ is the sole motivation of our missional activities, one which we will continue to powerfully proclaim and demonstrate in word and deed.  

The support of The Brook Place Covenant Partners will not only continue to help us demonstrate the love and message of Jesus Christ to more people across the nations, but it will also assist us in establishing our TBP building project as well as implementing our church planting initiative around the world. This is why we invite you to consider partnering with us on these ambitious projects.

You can support us regularly by signing up to be our covenant partner today or give a ‘one-off’ donation to any of our current church buildings, church planting, and other humanitarian projects.


Account number: 20933478
Sort code: 04-06-05

IBAN: GB24CLRB04060520933478