We believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe that, in infinite love for the lost, He voluntarily accepted His Father’s will and became the divinely provided sacrificial Lamb, taking away the sins of the world. (Reference: Romans 3:25-31; 2 Corinthians 5:14; Hebrews 10:5-14)
We believe that once spiritually born again, every believer is a partaker in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The new birth of the believer comes only through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We believe being born again spiritually through the new birth of a believer through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we transition from a life of sin and death into a new life of righteousness. Therefore, we believe water baptism is a public declaration, an outward expression of an inner belief. (References: Romans 6:4-5; Galatians 2:20-21)
Express outwardly what you believe inwardly.
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