Giving Declaration

I am blessed of God and a partaker of everything divine.
I am living above average.
I am not broke and I am not struggling.
I am not in lack.
I am coming out of debt and I refuse to live in debt.
I give my tithe, so my harvest is secure.
The devil will not come near my dwelling.
You said the Heavens will be open for my sake an
d you will stop the devourer from my harvest.
I decree wealth, I decree riches.

The wealth of the wicked is laid up for me because I sow to God’s work.
Yes, I give my one-tenth so I am safe.
My seed will not fall to a rocky ground but shall fall to a fertile soil
To bring forth a bountiful harvest.
Your wish for me is to prosper and to be in health.
I decree I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water.
I shall blossom and be fruitful.

I decree open doors from the north
The south, the east and the west.
I decree helpers from all over to find me.
I decree job offers.
I decree promotion.
I decree amazing business ideas.
I decree a bountiful harvest in the season.

As I sow my seed today,
I decree financial security.
I am sowing for my future.
I am tithing for my future.
I am investing for my future.
I decree surplus harvest and supernatural supply.

You said that You will restore to me the years that
The swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust,
The consuming locust, And the chewing locust.
Your great army which you sent among us.
We shall eat in plenty and be satisfied
And praise the name of the Lord our God,

Who has dealt wondrously with us and shall never be put to shame.
Then we shall know that you are in our midst.
Because we are tithe payers and faithful givers,
We shall never be put to shame.